fashion photography

The Beauty within Us

This weekend I had the wonderful joy of being able to photograph my Goddaughter, now some of you may say, so whats unusual about that…well Molly is 15 soon to be 16 years of age and like most women I see today doesn’t really like being in front of the camera, has all the usual hangups us women have. So a little coaxing from mum and a plea from her God Mother she agreed.

Now, I think its important to say, that in this day and age with so much influence on young women and the demands of having to meet ‘a certain type’ a ‘certain shape’ a ‘certain look’ that the pressures are immense, and I can tell you it doesn’t get any easier as you get older. I have my own hang ups, I hate being in front the camera, my quick response has always been, ooh no don’t take a photo of me….I look fat!

Well its about time we all kicked back and looked in the mirror and began to love ourselves a little more, love our crooked nose, our not so perfect eyes, all our little ‘imperfections’ (according to the magazines) and actually really take a long hard look at our reflection and be thankful in what we see and to really love ourselves.

I find my job extremely rewarding, I love it when a client tells didn’t know I could look like that, wow I am beautiful….Yes you are and I can prove it!

I have, hopefully this weekend managed to convince a certain young lady that she is indeed a very beautiful person, both in and out, and in doing so also managed to capture some lovely images for her to sit and indulge in.  We also had a little bit of fun too with Mum…who I might add… was no! don’t take a picture I don’t have any makeup on!

Well…the proof is in the picture…You are both Beautiful..Thank you

So next ladies & gents you go to have a quick moan about how you look…think twice and say to yourself…I AM BEAUTIFUL !